Our Vision
To be a catalyst for vibrant, dynamic, professional, competitive and sustainable Small, Micro and Medium Enterprises in KwaZulu-Natal and beyond.
To provide a nurturing environment that stimulates entrepreneurship, promotes innovation, accelerates development of SMMEs with high growth potential through partnerships and holistic professional support, thereby maximising our competitiveness and profitability.
What we do?

Entrepreneurship Development
Supplier Development Programmes
Entrepreneurial products and services
Consulting services
Enteprise Development Programmes
Training and Mentorship
Strategic Partnerships and Networks

Who do we Support?
Our main clients are the following:
- SMMEs based in rural, urban and peri-urban areas.
- Micro enterprises within the Informal Economy
- Township entrepreneurs
- Start ups
- Corporates
- Government Departments
- NGOs/Civil Society
- Academia
Here are what some of our clients say about us:

Sbonelo Ndlovu
"It is such a great honour to be one of the tenants of Sasopsbiz, apart from the luxury fully furnished office spaces they offer, they also offer guidance and mentorship programs where they expose our businesses to various seminars and other aspects of the business."

Themba Mkhize
"Through their guidance and mentorship programmes where they expose businesses to various seminars and training on different aspects of the business I have managed to grow my business from strength to strength. It was the first time for me to see a model of business that is geared towards assisting SME and I was very fortunate to start my business with this kind of support."

Nhlakanipho Zondi
"I approached Sasopsbiz for an opportunity to use their office space as it was convenient for a start up businesses like myself. The space is accessible as it is at the centre of town and is a walking distance from the court. However, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that they don’t just offer office space and boardroom facilities but also provide mentorship and coaching services."